Climate anxiety disproportionately burdens moms: Here’s why

Originally published on Motherly on June 14th 2024

Recent research indicates that women tend to express more concern about climate change than men.  The underlying reasons for this disparity are not yet known. Some theorize that in their maternal roles, women may instinctively bear the emotional weight for themselves and their children, interconnected by an emotional bond. Moms understand when one child suffers, the entire family is impacted. This may potentially account for some of the difference. Many women are also obliged to carry certain emotional burdens for romantic partners—a vestige of societal gender roles that tend to portray women as “caregivers.” However, it is important to note that this is not a universal rule, nor does it mean fathers or partners don’t feel the impact of what is happening to our world.  Every family’s dynamics and experiences are unique. … Read more here.


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