Inner Light Meditation

As we near the Winter Solstice, marking the return back toward the sun, there is much to celebrate. The journey toward the sun is not always easy as the air turns cold and darkness wanes. During this time that I like to call the long dark, it is our inner light that carries us through the winter months. Please enjoy the inner light meditation I have written below to help your light shine bright through the darkest of days.

Inner Light Meditation
By Merritt Juliano

Take a few minutes to get yourself into a comfortable position with your spine upright and feet planted firmly on the ground.  One you’re settled, I invite you to close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath.  As you inhale, focus on your breath. Breathing in from the belly, and then exhaling, a bit longer than your inhale.  Continue to focus on the inhale and exhale of your breathing.

As you relax, imagine a flicker of light in your body.  Notice where it shows up.  Is it in your center? Is it high or low?  Just notice where it shows up.

Continue breathing and on your inhales, imagine the flicker of light getting bigger and brighter until you can feel the warmth and light emanating from your entire body.

It feels warm, safe and comforting.

This is your inner light.  You can carry it with you wherever you go.  Remember your inner light to carry you through the darker, more difficult days.  It is always there, always alive. 


The Winged Mirror


Morning journal prompts to reset your nervous system